There are a number of development opportunities available for researchers in the School.
Taught course units enrolment
PGRs may be permitted to enrol on course units delivered for the undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in Schools in the Faculty of Humanities subject to an agreement with the supervisor, class capacity and pre-requisite requirements.
To request course enrolment, please consult the supervisory team and fill in the online request form (the form will be open during course enrolment window at the start of the semester only - please contact hums.doctoralacademy@manchester.ac.uk if you have queries). Requests will be forwarded to the School Teaching and Learning team to process.
Language training
University Language Centre: Language Experience for All Programme (LEAP) courses provide students, staff and members of the public with the opportunity to learn a language. LEAP offers 14 different languages for personal, professional and academic purposes.
If language training is essential for your research, please discuss with your supervisory team in the first instance and apply directly with the University Language Centre. Please see full details on their website.
LinkedIn Learning
All students now have free access LinkedIn Learning, one of the world’s leading online-learning platforms. The University is providing access for students and staff through a pilot introduction that will be evaluated until June 2026.
What is LinkedIn Learning?
LinkedIn Learning is an educational platform offering thousands of video courses taught by industry experts with subjects ranging from business and technology to creative skills. Now you have free access, you can explore courses on a range of topics such as coding, design, business, personal development and so much more. These can complement your studies, enhance your digital capabilities and help acquire new skills. Using LinkedIn Learning will allow you to:
- Gain access to expert-led courses and showcase recognition of your development through industry-recognised badges and certificates for completing them
- Receive personalised recommendations through AI-powered coaching
- Showcase industry-recognised certificates from organisations like Adobe and Microsoft to your future employers
- With tailored advice for your career path, you can gain practical skills that give you an edge in your field.
How to access LinkedIn Learning
Head to the Library’s ‘Getting Started with LinkedIn Learning’ resource to find out how you can activate your student profile.
For your School specific Research Training Programme, please see below:
Alliance Manchester Business School
Alliance Manchester Business School has a structured Research Training Programme (RTP) which is compulsory for all PGRs in AMBS and which forms part of the progression criteria.
The Research Training Programme (RTP) and assessment PhD and MPhil degrees are awarded by The University of Manchester for research and training. As such, the University expects that all postgraduate researchers will undertake a suitable programme of training and development based on both the needs of the researcher and the research topic. The Research Training Programme (RTP) is an integral part of the AMBS PhD, and forms an optional component for the AMBS MPhil.
During the first year of the PhD programme, you are expected to undertake research training courses to satisfy the degree’s RTP requirements (PhDs on the part-time programme will be able to take their assessed courses during Years 1 and 2). The AMBS PGR Induction sessions will provide you with information regarding RTP course offerings, timetables, and necessary instructions at the beginning of Year 1. Your RTP course units will follow the requirements of your particular PhD programme:
• Accounting and Finance (A&F)
• Business and Management (B&M)
• Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP)
You must attain at least 60% in each of the assessed units. The RTP Exam Board will take place in early summer to discuss the RTP marks attained during the academic year to see whether the marks 23 satisfy the research training programme requirements. If any marks attained are below 60%, the board will determine whether a resubmission is required.
Bespoke option
We aim to make the RTP programme as flexible as possible. If you or your supervisory team feel certain assessed course units from AMBS Postgraduate Taught programmes may be better suited and more beneficial to your research training than those on offer in the suite of PGR RTP courses, then it is possible to replace one or two of the PGR RTP courses with those from the suite of AMBS Postgraduate Taught programmes, or of other Schools within the University.
To apply for a bespoke option, please refer to the Course Unit Selection Form for instructions. Your supervisor will need to endorse your request, explaining why the courses identified elsewhere would be better suited to your research, and the Humanities Doctoral Academy will then submit your request to the RTP Director for approval. If approved, you will be notified and advised to contact the School/Department that owns the course units to register directly with them. PGRs should be aware that the RTP Director can grant exemptions from courses if the supervisory team and PGR provides evidence that they already have the skills or do not need the course for their progression.
For full details on the RTP, please see the handbook here
Taught course units enrolment
PGRs may be permitted to enrol on course units delivered for the undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in Schools in the Faculty of Humanities subject to an agreement with the supervisor, class capacity and pre-requisite requirements. To request course enrolment, please consult the supervisory team and fill in the online request form. Requests will be forwarded to the School Teaching and Learning team to process
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
PGRs in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures can take advantage of a series of workshops delivered by artsmethods@manchester. Throughout the academic year, there are a series of talks and workshops focusing on interdisciplinary and methodological expertise in the arts, languages and cultures at The University of Manchester.
For more details, please see artsmethods@manchester.
Taught course units enrolment
PGRs may be permitted to enrol on course units delivered for the undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in Schools in the Faculty of Humanities subject to an agreement with the supervisor, class capacity and pre-requisite requirements. To request course enrolment, please consult the supervisory team and fill in the online request form. Requests will be forwarded to the School Teaching and Learning team to process.
School of Environment, Education and Development
Three core modules are compulsory for all first year PhD researchers (but open to all):
- Research Design and Methods (Semester 1)
- Methodological Approaches to Qualitative Research (Semester 2)
- Methodological Approaches to Quantitative Research (Semester 2)
These trainings provide an interdisciplinary platform which highlights current research conducted at the school, thereby entangling theory and practice as a pedagogical strategy. Emphasis is placed on the epistemological and ethical concerns surrounding the selection of each methodological alternative, examining issues of validation, consistency, and the production of truth-claims.
Content for all the above units are found on the RSCH8000 training page on Blackboard.
In addition to required training modules, a series of optional workshops are available throughout the academic year:
- Methods masterclasses: Practical introductions to and reflections on commonly used research methods;
- Skills series: Practical sessions related to various research-related skills, including publication, communication and career development.
School of Social Sciences
PGRs in the School of Social Sciences can take advantage of Qualitative Research Methods (QRM) training suite. Please discuss with your supervisory team in the first instance.
Researcher development
Find out more about assessment of researcher training needs and development opportunities.
Read more
ESRC training partnership
Gain access to research training at two partner institutions in addition to Manchester.
Read more
AHRC training partnership
View training opportunities for researchers funded by the North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership.
Read more
Teaching opportunities
Learn more about the rules and requirements around applying for teaching assistant work.
Read more
PGR placements
Enhance transferable skills and build up your professional networks by undertaking a placement.
Read more
Arts Methods and Methods
Find out more about our flagship research methods programmes.
Read more